‘470‘ started with a question. I wonder what life will be like in a climate-changed world? I wonder what practical skills, assets and relationships, and most importantly, what attitudes of mind, will be useful?
I wonder if, looking back from the future, I will think, now why didn’t we plan for this situation? With so much warning, how come we did so little to prepare?
That led to another question: I wonder if it changes what it means to be human, to be a good human?
And then to the idea, maybe, why we don’t act like climate change is really happening, really is a dire emergency, is because we aren’t really imagining it. I wonder if it possible to really imagine it, with the dense reality of a novel? So Witches Kitchen took a back seat for a while, while I wrote a novel.

There’s a post about the journey at Maybe I Should. Should I?
I am very proud (and a bit awed) that “470” was published in mid-2020 by Melliodora Publishing, the publisher of David Holmgren’s work and lots of other very awesome writers. It tells the story of two young women – sisters, Kat and Zanna – and their parents, partners, children, community, as they grapple with what resilience means in “unprecedented” times.
The reviews have been better than I could have imagined. And real life keeps mimicking art – I keep seeing plotlines from it appearing in the news.
You can find out more about it, read reviews, see where to get hold of a copy at www.lindawoodrow.com. I will be very grateful for your feedback, thoughts, reflections in the comments below.

Linda, this was one of the best books I have read this year and I read a lot!
Totally terrifying because it pretty much is what is happening – too little, too late and the powers that be don’t seem to care but hopeful in that the resourceful, the kind, and those that listen to the earth, may actually survive and be the new beginning
If nothing else it was a really good read so thank you, I’m off to plant some more vegetables, flowers and trees.