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Category: Ethical

A map of the world showing very complex and detailed view of Walker Circulation Anomaly, Vertical Motion Anomaly, Sea Level Pressure Anomaly, Precipitation Amomaly, SST Anomaly, Sea-ice Extent, Surface Wind Anomaly, Rossby-Wave Train Path, and Oceanic Heat Transport.

What happens when the AMOC collapses?

The best informed guesses I can find about what we Australians might need to deal with in direct climate effects are hotter weather, stronger cyclones, a monsoonal rain pattern that moves south, (making it relevant not just to Darwin and far northern Australia but to Queensland and northern NSW too), a lower frequency of strong El Niño and more La Niña – which is good news for the eastern states…

Part of a world map, centred on Australia and extending west to Iran, north to Japan, and east to New Zealand. I has hundreds, a thousand or more green arrows moving across all the oceans. They are so concentrated around the shores of China that they make one green area.

When the ships stop, what then?

Isn’t it stunning? This is the current position of all the cargo vessels in the world. Just cargo vessels – I’ve set the filter to remove the passenger ships, the tankers, the fishing vessels, all the other types of sea traffic. How do we prepare for when those ships stop, or, if we are smarter than I think we collectively are, when they start using fuel that is clean and…

Measuring What Matters

There was an article in “The Conversation” this morning about the Treasurer, Jim Chalmers, planning to release a statement called “The Measuring What Matters” statement. It’s a plan to track wellbeing using about 50 indicators of how Australians are doing. Chalmers said the traditional economic metrics – GDP, income, employment – didn’t tell the whole story. Other things also mattered. No shit, Sherlock.

Emperor Dragonfly (Anax imperator)

Happy Beltane

Here we are in the odd position of celebrating Halloween, a festival that, in European tradition, marks the start of winter, when thoughts turn to mortality and all around are reminders that every living thing dies. But tonight I will light the fairy lights in the carport and dress up, I think perhaps as a dragonfly, or maybe a mud wasp? Some predatory insect anyway, and make a batch of…