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Gardening in Small Spaces: Go for Herbs

If you have only a tiny area (or a tiny window of time) for gardening, every one of the first dozen plants I’d go for would be herbs.  In pots or courtyard, herb spiral or window boxes, balcony garden or flower bed, these are the 12 plants I’d plant first.  In no particular order (choosing just a dozen was hard enough!):

Hugel beds

Hugelkultur is not a solution for every site. Nor are raised beds, or hardwood edging, or anything really. Permaculture is all about intelligently, creatively, sensitively responding to the nature of a site and the creatures, human and animal, that inhabit it. But hugelkultur has worked here.

Lead in the soil?

Lead paint was commonly used up till the late 1970’s. Up until 1965 paint was often 50% lead. Houses, and sheds dating from before that often had a history of being scraped and sanded and repainted, and the lead paint flakes and dust settled as a ring around the building.

Site analysis with sectors and zones

Site Analysis – Zones and Sectors

I’m not going to show you the actual designing we did. It’s way too wild and messy for publishing. But this is an idealised, post hoc version. And, the ideas and principles learned in rural homesteading did help get it right in less than the decade or so it took us the first time. If nothing else, it taught us that this step is worth doing.