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Ginger plant - green stalks with strappy alternate leaves. Dark, composty ground. White ginger rhyzomes with pink tinge where the stalk emerges just visible.

Garden Pharmacy – Ginger

Give ginger the right conditions and it thrives so well that it’s not hard to keep a year round supply sufficient for making curries from scratch, adding to stir fries or tea, making pickled ginger for rice paper rolls and sushi, taking in a care package for pregnant friends, and crystallising for seasickness lollies or treats.

top left is a basket of unshelled Madagascar beans, and next to it a bowl of shelled beans. Bottom left is a bucket of bananas and next to it a pile of ripe bananas. In the middle is a tray of tomatoes, a bowl of Davidson's plums, and a pile of green grapes extending beyond the photo edge. At the bottom is a pile of tromboncino and cucmbers.

Processing Mid-summer gluts

I try hard to avoid gluts. It was always a goal even in rural homesteading with lots of room, but I’m even more motivated now in suburbia, where every glut is using space that could have been saving a trip to the supermarket. But I don’t mind full day in the kitchen every so often if the product is worth it.

Madagascar Beans again

Someone asked me in a comment what I do with the Madagascar beans. So … Beans feature in many traditional (and blue zone) cuisines. They’re hugely healthy. Madagascar beans adapt to most Mexican, Tex Mex and Central American recipes – which is one of my favourite cuisines. Madagascar beans also adapt well to most Mediterranean recipes – which is another of my favourite cuisines.

bowl with yoghurt, and on top of it pawpaw, banana, strawberries, peach, and davidson plums.

Growing fruit salad for breakfast

Breakfast this morning. It’s a bit astounding, and very exciting, that just three years into this retrosuburbia challenge, I can eat a breakfast of yoghurt and fresh fruit salad most mornings if I want to – apple and plumcot and mulberries last month, passionfruit and blueberries and dragonfruit next month, citrus by winter, and next year there will be feijoas and figs, pears and cherries, custard apples and carambolas. I…

Garden Pharmacy – Davidson’s Plum

One of our Coffs Harbour Davidson’s Plum trees has bourne its first harvest. Davidson’s Plums are full of good stuff but the big claim to medicinal fame is a compound called ‘anthocyanin’. Anthocyanins do a number of generally healthy things but the one that really interested me was the way they improve gut microbiota.

Seafood Dipping Sauce

I have one of those huge, chaotic families that are impossible to describe to someone else. And tomorrow, we’re all gathering, (outdoors, under marquees), for Christmas lunch. This year, my contributions to the table nearly all come from the garden, one way or another – icecreams made with real egg custard, passionfruit for the pav and the punch, green salad, rosemary oil sourdough crackers, and this seafood sauce.